Belleville Police Department
61 Frederick Street
Belleville, WI 53508
Phone (608) 424-3129 | Fax (608) 424-6235
(This email is not monitored 24/7 - call 911 for emergencies)
The Belleville Police Department was established in 1953. The Department is currently staffed by the Chief of Police and four full-time officers and supported by a part-time officer and an adminisrative assistant.
Officers participate in various training programs during the year through regular in-service training with members of other police agencies in the state. They also attend courses on specialized topics that enhance their ability and skills to provide effective services to the community. New officers participate in a field training program and all officers receive training and certifications in a number of core areas.
The Belleville Police Department participates in and is affiliated with national, state and Dane and Green County Chiefs of Police organizations, county-wide drug and gang task forces, a financial crime investigator’s network, a county-wide criminal information exchange network, Safe Community Coalition, Dane and Green County Crime Stoppers and state and regional drug and gang organizations. The Department is a member of the Belleville Chamber of Commerce.
During the year, the agency participates in traffic and safety initiatives through DOT Bureau of Transportation safety programs and the Safe Community Coalition. Some of these programs are drunk driver enforcement, underage alcohol enforcement, pedestrian safety projects, speed reduction efforts, improved child safety in school zones, child safety initiatives, increased safety belt use, and many other activities aimed at reducing traffic crashes and enhancing the safety of motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, and community residents.
Law Enforcement Oath of Honor
On my honor, I will never
betray my badge, my integrity,
my character or the public trust.
I will always have the courage to hold
myself and others accountable for our actions.
I will always uphold the
Constitution, my community, and the
agency I serve.