Belleville Police Department
61 Frederick Street
Belleville, WI 53508
Phone (608) 424-3129 | Fax (608) 424-6235
(This email is not monitored 24/7 - call 911 for emergencies)
The Belleville Police Department posts all position openings on the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Network (WILENET). There are currently no officer vacancies.
The Belleville Police Department seeks ethical and moral candidates who want to dedicate themselves to keeping the Village of Belleville safe through professional service and partnership with the community. Careful selection is key to success in achieving the goals and objectives of the Department.
The Belleville Police Department is committed to the practice of equal employment opportunity for all prospective applicants. Selection decisions are based on the match between the individual’s qualifications and the requirements of the job. These decisions are made without regard to a person’s age, national origin, race, sex, political affiliation, or religion. In addition, these characteristics are not considered when making decisions with respect to promotion, compensation, or training.